
Top 5 Apps Every Student Needs

apps for studnt

Without a doubt, every student is different and quite a lot will depend on the person’s background and the curriculum requirements. Nevertheless, there are certain universal apps that will be helpful regardless of a discipline as you think about planning, sorting, and just getting inspiration as you start to write. When you are feeling stuck and need to create a good thesis statement, turning to an online dictionary helps. Likewise, when you need to get rid of social media distractions, apps that block you from visiting are second to none. Take your time to see what you need the most and remember to read user reviews before you download anything!

top 5 apps for students

Top 5 Apps Every Student Needs 

  1. Dragon Dictation.

Since it’s available for both Android and iOS platforms, it represents a universal speech recognition solution that many students will enjoy. It can help you with dictation of your documents without any limitations in terms of time and storage limitations. It’s accurate and provides numerous editing and export options. There is a one-week trial that can help you see how it works and why it’s the best next thing after the sliced bread. Now, if the dictated text must be edited by an expert, consider checking as a great solution that helps to save time as you work on an essay or need to prepare a condensed presentation. 

  1. EverNote.

It’s one of the most necessary apps for student needs as it will be the best way to take notes and store valuable information all in one place. The best part is that it can be downloaded free of charge and has numerous synchronization options. Give it a try and you will feel much calmer and at peace when you can access your academic data and schedules easier.

  1. Pocket Oxford Dictionary. 

Why not expand your vocabulary with this great free app that will provide you with synonyms and offer explanations for every unknown word or a phrase. As you write, it will be one of the best apps you can possibly get! 

  1. Quizlet App.

If you need to create a fascinating presentation or download a free template for your slideshow, Quizlet is the way to go. The best part, however, is that it has lots of free templates and a collection of presentations already uploaded by other students. Just search by the keyword to find something that you need. The creative tools on board will help you to adjust and change the content to your preferences. 

  1. MyLifeOrganized.

While it is not free, it has a trial version that will help you to see how to keep yourself organized. When you are fighting procrastination and just need to get things done on time, this app will be helpful. If it still feels unbearable and you can’t meet your deadlines, writers for hire should be one of the options to consider. All you have to do is explain your situation and share your objectives. With this app, you will have all your content within the click’s reach and always sorted accordingly. 

Getting Enough Sleep is Essential! 

One of the most common problems that is faced by all students is not getting enough sleep or having irregular sleep patterns. Sometimes we just stay up late to have some fun or feel stuck with school challenges, yet it’s essential to control how much time we spend in bed. While it’s impossible to have someone tell us to go to sleep and turn the lights off, all the sleep tracker apps will be quite helpful. They will be like a special diary of sleep patterns that will alert you and help to keep disciplined. It might seem like a minor issue, yet when you have a helpful reminder and something that will wake you with an inspiring song or a famous saying, it will always be something to look forward to! 


Ruby Butz loves everything related to academic life and technology as she strives for success and satisfaction. As an educator, she explores the needs of modern students and shares helpful tips. Follow Ruby to expand your creativity and have fun as you learn. 

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